...a place to bury thoughts

Bruce trail weekend

September 13, 2009 @ 10:09 pm ๐Ÿ”— Post Link

hiking, tanga, Bruce Trail

I can climb it!

I can climb it!

It was a pretty quiet weekend home alone. Both Saturday and Sunday I took the dog out for fairly long hikes on the Bruce Trail. On Saturday we drove up near Hockley Valley. The closest intersection would be Airport Road and 5th sideroad. It is amazing how rude people can be if you drive a little slower when you are looking for a street. Anywayโ€ฆ If you drive a little ways down 5th sideroad youโ€™ll see a little parking area and Bruce Trail Access. We headed in at this point. The Taoist Society land connects with the Bruce Trail there so be sure to watch for white blazes. It was a pretty average section of the Bruce Trail. There were many side trails however. I didnโ€™t investigate them. I passed by the Harmony Side Trail, the Hockleycrest Side Trail and the Darcy Side Trail. There were a few fence ladders during the walk. Eventually the dog figured out how to get over them herself. Funny dog. I think the walk was around 6km. There is a nice pavilion along the way to stop for a break. Thanks to whomever put it there. I only met one person during the hike. A woman with a dog she tried very hard to keep away from mine. Odd. I was pretty bagged when I got home. I had originally thought I would go over to KKs but I lacked the energy to do so. (hopefully soon though) Especially after making dinner. Thai Chicken Fried Rice. The drive home from the hike was really nice along the bumpy 5th sideroad. There are some stunning homes along that road.

Sunday we did another part of the Bruce Trail. This time we walked near Coolihans sideroad and Glen Haffy Road. It is probably easiest to access this part of the trail from Airport Road. Where the trailhead begins on Coolihans, there is a generous room on the road to part. The trail continues on both sides of the road. We went North. We soon met a few runners who fawned over Princess Tanga. She was in her glory lapping up attention. I enjoyed todayโ€™s hike a lot more. It was in deeper forest and the area was just more interesting. There were some massive slow steep climbs though. Gah. Near the start of the hike a massive tree feel over the trail forcing hikers to go around. I guess they will just leave it there? There were a few nice steams and one sidetrail, the Palgrave sidetrail has an access point here. Eventually the trail ended at a roadโ€ฆ Iโ€™m not sure where to continue it from that point? Anyway, the dog enjoyed herself. Now Iโ€™m pooped. Zzzzzzzzzzzz.

Apparently B. had a great time in Ottawa. *glugglugglug*

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