...a place to bury thoughts

bocce anyone?

September 22, 2003 @ 08:09 pm ๐Ÿ”— Post Link

bdot, Family, Buckhorn Lake, bdot, relationship



In a nice change of venue the weekend started and ended from St.Catharines with the lovely and talented B.! We spent the weekend on Buckhorn Lake with my parents at Grandview Park. We ate like kingsโ€ฆ ooof.. had a great surf and turf dinner (with fish caught by my parents from โ€˜da lake โ€“ smelt awful, tasted great)โ€ฆ Had a crazy inlaws v. outlaws game of full contact (well full contact for B. and I) bocce which, of course, the outlaws took 2 games to 1. -smirk- I finally got to see the ugly duckling, my parents second hand boat they recently acquired. Nothing much to look at, but it will be great to tour around the lakes on. Tres cool indeed. Another great but far too short weekend, which brings another, โ€˜see you in a few days B.โ€™. Hmmpt.

At least it is something wonderful to look forward to.

weekend 101

Weekend plans. Wellโ€ฆ if we donโ€™t get blown away or drown by the incoming hurricane we will be going to see unistar this evening in the T dot. A friendโ€™s band. They bring the rock. Going to try and represent. -smirk- Then it is off to Peterborough to see my parents. Should be another wonderful B. weekend.

Lots of talk of the future, of our future together. It seems bright and ambitiousโ€ฆ We are both eager to get it goingโ€ฆ Just natural concerns.. the steps we intend on taking are not small. -grin-

Updated: link is dead.

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