...a place to bury thoughts

blurring the weekend

October 5, 2003 @ 08:10 pm ๐Ÿ”— Post Link

friends, pets, Buffalo Sabres

mmm coffee

mmm coffee

Phewโ€ฆ this has been a crazy busy weekend. Friday night was spent with some friends I regrettably have not seen in a while. We went to a coffee shop downtown. It was cool. There was some live music and of course a few fights. Joy. Canโ€™t we all just get along? -Not.-

Yesterday we stopped in briefly at the Humane Society on Fourth Avenue as B. is pondering getting a cat. What a smart girl. The afternoon and evening was spent with my cousin running around collecting and gathering stuff for her wedding in two weekends (Oct.18). We finished a bunch of centre pieces and had a few tasty mixed drinks. A long day, but it was fun hanging with Jenn.

Today was FINALLY slower. Spending some alone time with B. which โ€™twas a necessary diversion. This evening we are going to watch the Sabres crush the Sens in pre-season hockey. Later.


I know it is just preseason and allโ€ฆ. But the Sabres CRUSHED the Sens in St.Catharines this evening 5-1. Satan had a bunch of assists. I was hoping to see the new acquisitions play (Drury and Briere) but they didnโ€™t play. Regular season starts wednesday. Sabres are likely to be celler dwellers again this season. Best case would be to squeak into the playoffโ€ฆ I just hope there is more heart this year and they play competitively.

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