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Happy Birthday to me

November 27, 2010 @ 07:11 pm 🔗 Post Link

bdot, Family, music, Buffalo Sabres, Ontario Science Centre

Happy birthday to me.

Happy birthday to me.

Yup another one… Sabres beat the Leafs at home… what a great present.


My gawd what a busy weekend. I’m happy to be at work where things are slower. Friday night I enjoyed the company of KK as we watched the Sabres and Leafs. You could tell how intense the rivalry was in the first 20m. Fights, checks, drama, penalties… It is a different atmosphere at HSBC when the Leafs invade Buffalo. Other than Ottawa, I don’t want to Sabres to beat any other team more. These games seem to mean so much more. For me shutting up those obnoxious Leafs fans in our house is the ultimate goal. Friday night they persevered with a 3-1 win. Na-na hey hey good bye Leafers. It is a great rivalry, no one seems to care when the Thrashers are in town… We ended up breaking into my chocolate birthday cake, it was yummy! Cake and beer however was a pretty odd combination. Happy birthday indeed. Thanks to all the well wishers on Facebook and to my family and B. for the thoughtful gifts.

Saturday got off early as we taking the nephew to the Ontario Science Centre. I got in a quick early morning dog walk then off we went. After battling traffic we arrived a little later at the OSC than we expected. Still we got in several hours… it was certainly enough walking around for me. It has been decades since I was last at the OSC. The exhibits I remember weren’t there or I missed them such as the coffee speech bending machine. It was enjoyable, informative and entertaining nevertheless. We essentially did was our nephew wanted as far as where to go. We covered most of 2 1/2 floors including the disappointing mythical creatures exhibit, the humid rainforest, Whales, the thought display, the electronic arcade and a bunch of time in the kidspark. Lunch was Roc egg (aka as meatballs) pizza. It was a fun afternoon. We had dinner with the in-laws then got home to chill out in the evening.

We were up early again Sunday, no wonder I’m so tired today, to go shopping in Barrie with my sister and mother. We stopped first at Music Pro to look a e-drum kits. YES! You read correctly! I’m looking at drums. This isn’t a passing fancy… my high school year book referenced getting a kit (I’ll try and post it…) so it has been a desire for a very long time. An acoustic set however isn’t always practical… an e-kit however… wow… can play it anywhere! We looked at a high end Roland TD4 kit with all the bells and whistles. I think it is a little more than I want to spend. The staff at Music Pro was informative and helpful. I was very tempted to just buy the other Roland T4 kit they had in stock, but I do want to check out the Yamaha DTX4 first before I decide. That was a ton of fun. It is a shame to finally pursue a musically instrument now, but better later then never. After a quick demo of the Roland, we went across the street for breakfast at the Sunset Grill. Yaye! I got my eggs and bacon finally! It was delicious and gave us the energy boast we’d need for the rest of the day. I don’t think I’ve seen a meal disappear faster off of two plates… The next stop was at MEC (which confused the GPS and us) where we met my sister and mother. We shopped there for a bit then drove over to the Georgian Mall. (Thanks to my sibling for the delicious baked goods … those cookies are killer!!) Everyone had an agenda so there were different groups and individuals dividing and conquering the mall. I spent most of my time at EB. I picked up two older 360 RPGs, Tales of Vesperia and Sacred 2. Tales looks promising, I’m undecided on Sacred. After getting home we enjoyed stew that was slow cooking in the crockpot all afternoon. I love crockpots.

The weekend was very busy, it was tempting to call in sick this morning cuddled up comfortable in a warm bed with B.. Definitely another time…

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