...a place to bury thoughts

Preparing for Christmas

December 3, 2012 @ 10:12 pm 🔗 Post Link

Christmas, Drysdales

Christmas bulbs

Christmas bulbs

I commute to the eastern edge of Burlington every weekday. It is an hour drive on the best of days… well, Friday afternoon the region was hit with our first snowfall of the season, and it created traffic chaos. My co-worker’s brother works for the local police and he told her to be very careful as there were many serious accidents all over the region. It was a brutal drive home. I often felt unsafe and was sliding all over the road, when I was actually moving. It took me over three hours to get home… One of my co-workers said it took her four! hours to get home. Needless to say the first thing we did Saturday morning was to put the snow tires on BOTH cars. Unreal.

Drysdales tree forest

Drysdales tree forest

After dealing with the car tires bright and early Saturady morning… (which involved walking back and forth from the mechanics up the hill of sorrow) we prepared to head North to Drysdale’s. It was Christmas tree day! Yes boys and girls the day we hack down a tree and drag it through the forest then strap it on our car roof. We met up with my sister and BiL for the event. It wasn’t the typical white Christmas scene at Drysdale’s. It was mild and there was very little snow. I guess we must be developing a knack for finding trees because we found two victims rather quickly.

Two victims

Two victims

I recall the wagon ride and tree hunting process to be considerably more time consuming than it was. Perhaps we simply have dropped our standards? *shrug* It was long enough however. We found a chubby bastard of a tree and it was really heavy. I had to hold it upright on the wagon ride back to store area and my arms were dying by the time the wagon stopped. The longest wait was for the trees to be bailed. I guess one of the machines was down. I couldn’t imagine not getting it bailed – so we waited. While we waited we stuck of a conversation with some Christmas tree virgins waiting in line from Mississauga. They picked up a token 4ft tree… it seemed like a long way to come to get that? *shrug* Nice people. After ratcheting the tree to the roof we were all pretty hungry. We decided to hit South Barrie for some pizza at Pie. Getting a beer was a little strange. They serve Sleeman products but not the Honey Brown or anything dark… They also serve Camerons but were out of those as well… *blink* So I settled on a Dos Equis. We ended up sharing our pizzas : a Porky Pie (me), Cow Pie (BiL), St.Lucia pie (Sis) and Green Egg and Ham Pie (without the Egg for B.). We made short work of the delicious pizzas I think sharing pizzas is the way to go. Pie has some many curious pizzas so getting a sampling of them is a great way to enjoy dinner. After dinner and goodbyes B. and I took advantage of being in Barrie and went to Chapters. I picked up a case for my Nexus 7 and a few books. We can always kill an hour or two at a Chapters.

Pizza and beer

Pizza and beer

By Sunday afternoon we were both bagged. (I think I may be fighting something off actually) We found some motivation and drove to East Caledon to get Christmas decor for B.’s urns and some groceries. The reward was a delicious porkwich from Caledon Burger. Mmmm. The evening was Walking Dead, web work and laundry. Gah. No more Walking Dead until February… Bdot started the massive process of Tree decoration. By the end of the evening both trees were in place with lights. More to come!

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