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WOW… Bill C-38

March 20, 2005 @ 08:03 pm 🔗 Post Link

Canada, politics

poor representation!

poor representation!

Wow… I was stunned to read the crap that came to the house from my MP today regarding Bill C-38. Some of the lowlights:

‘tampering with the definition of marriage will spell disaster for the moral and social welfare of our country….our greatest Canadian treasure is about to be dumped info the garbage can…the suicidal rush to… change a 6000 year old institution is the canker that will destroy the roots of Canada’s ‘living tree’ Wow…

So naturally I sent her an e-mail:

Ms. Ruby Dhalla,
I have lived in Brampton for about a year and have witnessed very little inharmonious activity. I was shocked and disappointed to have your zealous intolerant hate mail delivered to my home. Your tone was sickening and reeked of fear mongering. I’ll be glad the day the bill C-38 passes to make Canada a more tolerate, accepting place. I see no ‘cankers’, no ‘imminent danger’ and no ‘suicidal rush’… just fear and prejudice.
This IS a rights issues and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms should be applied fairly and equally to ALL Canadians regardless of their sexual preference. Canada allows no distinction for religion or race. Canada should NOT start making such distinctions bases on sexual preference. Rest assuredly you have lost one vote.
I can’t believe that an official Canadian party would allow her to spew off such deliberate hate filled nonsense as an official platform. That is very disturbing…

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