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Kill Bill Volume Two

May 13, 2004 @ 10:05 pm 🔗 Post Link

movies, Kill Bill: Volume Two, politics

Kill Bill Volume Two

Kill Bill Volume Two

*contains spoilers*
Hai! I finally saw Kill Bill Volume Two… and I certainly enjoyed it. It was different than the first movie. The first one was all out warfare… 2 was more dialogue, plot, wrapping up the story. Uma was very impressive in many scenes, especially in the um, coffin. The old master Pai Mei (played by Gordon Liu) was a great character. Funny, serious, nice facial hair… an interesting break in the film. I enjoyed all of Quentin Tarantino’s stylizing of the film… the grainy look, the cheesy music, the zoomed-in shots. I found the ending interesting… I thought for a few minutes that Bill was going to be spared… but she is, and always will be a killer. (It funny that you can arrive late and *still* have to sit through 20 minutes of trailers… GAH!) ⭐⭐⭐⭐


It is amazing the things some humans will do to each other. It is hard to find words to describe how repugnant the beheading of that American civilian in Iraq is. I’m sure Allah or whatever god those psychos believe in would be equally repulsed. Just sick. Yes, the Amercians took some demeaning and utterly callous photos but beheaded a non-combatant?! It was not an act of war. It was a cowardly brutal murder. Some days I wish I didn’t wake up. Where is the world going?


Since blogrolling is experiencing technical difficulties today… this page may load slow (waiting for the BR updates to time out)

Updated: link no longer correct

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