...a place to bury thoughts

Bees for B.

September 7, 2009 @ 01:09 pm ๐Ÿ”— Post Link

Family, hiking, Bruce Trail, Hockley Valley, Nature, Pretty in Pink

A beautiful beeless stream.

A beautiful beeless stream.

Finally a stat holiday with beautiful weather. So we decided to take full advantage of it and go for a hike. After some research we decided on going to the Bruce Trail section near Hockley Valley. There is a lot of parking along Hockley Road between 2nd and 3rd line. The hike was awesome. It is very hilly however. I was pretty exhausted by the end. Even the dogs were bagged. It was a perfect day except for one short stop. We stopped near a small river to let the dogs get a drink of water. B. was down by the water when suddenly she started screaming. Then I noticed down by the edge of the riverโ€ฆ bees. Lots and lots of angry bees. Wellโ€ฆthey had been disturbed and they were pissed. They came after B., me and the dogs. B. got the worst of it, I think she found 10 stings, Tanga got about 5, I found one and Cairo got 1. I think it could have been much, much worse. There were a lot more bees. In the past B. has had a very bad reaction to a bee sting so I was pretty worried and wanted to get back to the car ASAP after that. She (and the dogs) seem okay now but it was pretty intense for awhile. The little flying bastards got into pants, into socks and shoes (I have no idea how)โ€ฆ Brutal. After 15 or so minutes after we met the bees โ€“ and it was clear no one was having an adverse reaction โ€“ we were able to enjoy the rest of the walk. I think we hiked about 12km. We did a lot of the Bruce Trail in the Hockley Valley area and we took the Tom East Side Trail back. The Tom East Side Trail wasnโ€™t as nice as the Bruce Trail. The body was pretty achy breaky when I got home. A soak in tub improved it somewhat. B. made a delicious pizza for dinner. Mmm. Watching Pretty in Pink. Molly is still adorable years later.


Forgot to mention the great family dinner here on Sunday. B. made some incredibly tasty homemade burgers that disappeared in a hurry. It was good to see everyone, even my Dad who left without a word. In other news, congrats to my sister and JP on their new house. Hopefully it will become a home for many years into the future. ๐Ÿ˜€ And I think my ear has finally clearedโ€ฆ

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