...a place to bury thoughts

Beautiful day for a hikeโ€ฆ

January 23, 2006 @ 10:01 pm ๐Ÿ”— Post Link

Bruce Trail, Hiking

Right breed. Wrong dog.

Right breed. Wrong dog.

Phew. B., dog and I did (what turned out to be) a pretty massive hike today. We did a section of the Bruce Trail near Winston Churchill in Terra Cotta. We ended up doing about 3 hours of hiking. Amazing how the dog can just go and go. It was perfect weather at around 2 degrees. We got a little disoriented at the end of the hike. We were already off the Bruce Trail and were looking for another trail that *allegedly* connects to it. Wellโ€ฆ it never showed. Luckilyโ€ฆ we wandered and guessed correctlyโ€ฆ which is good โ€˜cuz I was getting tired and more wandering and the guessing was getting annoying. Nice hike though, and nice to be outside after such a crazy week at work.

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