...a place to bury thoughts

Happy Birthday B.!

August 28, 2006 @ 06:08 pm ๐Ÿ”— Post Link

bdot, MI3, BIG Jeffer

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday

And yet another weekend blurs byโ€ฆ A few things going on. Foremost, it was B.โ€™s birthday weekend. We planned on going to my parents for dinner and cake on Saturday. During the week I found out one of my oldest friends (former neighbour who I grew up with and now lives in Australia) was going to be back in the old neighbourhood. Soโ€ฆ it was a bit of a juggling act on Saturday. Hardly ideal, but it make it easier than two trips to Niagara from Toronto. So we had B.โ€™s dinner and cake, and later in the evening I visited with my buddy Jeff. Jeff has always been a social butterfly and knows how to have a good time. Pretty much immediately after arriving at his parents place we starting drinking. This continued until well past 2. We even walk several blocks to get to the closest pub and ordered two pitchers just before last call. It is rare indeed that I drink anywhere near that much, and even rarer that I drink that much beer. By the time we moved onto the pitchers I had to fly the white flag. I donโ€™t enjoy beer that much anymore. I donโ€™t mind one or two, but if Iโ€™m โ€˜drinkingโ€™ I prefer Rum or coolers. Beer generally has an adverse reaction to my disposition. *cough* It was good to see him. I met his 6 month old son (what a cuteyโ€ฆ I wonder who the Dad is). It was a good time. It was a shame to have to divide the day up the way it wasโ€ฆneither event getting the true attention it warranted. Thatโ€™s life I guess.

Sunday we did some gardening. We are adding in another new garden. ๐Ÿ™‚ We chilled in the evening and watched MI3. It was a downloaded movie. The quality was pretty bad, just good enough to suffer though. The movie wasnโ€™t bad. Philip Seymour Hoffman was a great villain. But uh, what was the rabbitโ€™s foot? โญโญโญโ…“

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