...a place to bury thoughts

Barenaked Yard/House Work

May 2, 2010 @ 06:05 pm 🔗 Post Link

home, music, Barenaked Ladies

Yes, I live with the crazy bird lady apparently. We’ve attracted an Oriole, lovely orange plumage. (Top Left) More birds (Bottom Left)

Yes, I live with the crazy bird lady apparently. We’ve attracted an Oriole, lovely orange plumage. (Top Left) More birds (Bottom Left)

Weekends simply aren’t relaxing. There is always something to do and somewhere to go. This weekend was no exception. Saturday we went to Oshawa (the ‘shwa) to see Barenaked Ladies with Bonnie and Buck (some of B.’s longtime friends). First, however, the continuing saga of our smashed backyard glass table added another (hopefully final) chapter. After the roofers tried to replace it (it came back without tempered glass and one table already cracked) so that unacceptable. So, seeing these guys clearly weren’t understanding what needed to be done…B. sourced out glass locally here. We picked out a type of tempered glass and we are in the queue for it to be fixed, hopefully properly this time. We rushed to Oshawa to meet B&B at the Keg. I had decent ribs… nothing really compares to Bill’s.

Hmm. The show…well… The absence of Stephen Page I found quite apparent. Not only in the song selections, but the melodies and overall quality of the song performances. Sure, Ed et al still rock… but the material is sombre, flat and lifeless compared to their past material. Yes, I get starting something new and hopefully they can make a go of it… but the new material that I heard just wasn’t very good. The show was still entertaining and fun. I, of course, had the only idiot in a section of maybe 500 people stand most of the show in front of me. Sigh. I so prefer venues without assigned seating. It seems a lot of people were as interested in beer as the show. Bah. The opener was a guitarist from the East coast… he was decent, but nothing really inspiring or original.

I also found a sports’ strap for my glasses. I’m hoping it will help with ball hockey. We’ll see Thursday.

Sunday… well, groceries, vacuuming, walking the dog, weeding, watering the lawn… it was a pretty full work day for both of us.

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