...a place to bury thoughts

Babies, Fatherโ€™s Day and a band

June 21, 2010 @ 09:06 pm ๐Ÿ”— Post Link

Friends, Toronto FC

Niagara River looking towards Queenston

Niagara River looking towards Queenston

It was another busy summer weekend. We drove down to Niagara Saturday afternoon. We dropped the dog off with my parents then went over to Captainโ€™s home in St.Catharines to see their newborn daughter. Now Iโ€™m not big on babies, and I hate everyone automatically saying babies are cute. Some are most certainly not. Captainโ€™s however was. What a little cutie. She slept peacefully during the whole visit as she was passed around and posed for photos. Congrats again to Capโ€™n and his wife.

After Capโ€™n we had Fatherโ€™s Day dinner with my parents and sister. Dinner was yummy Filet mignon medallions and my Mom made a chocolate walnut tort which was unbelievably good. In the evening I went out to Port Dalhousie to see a band with Big Jeffer and an another old neighbour Matt. The bandโ€™s drummer was, and yet another neighbour, Brian who was an impressive musician. He was in a hard rock band called Step Echo. They played three sets consisting mostly of covers like Man In a Box (Alice in Chains), Tainted Love (Soft Cell) and even a rocking Madonna cover. Nice job guys! There was plenty of drinking. Big J and Matt were pretty hammered by the end of the night. We ended up walking home. It is amazing all the bravado 20-something guys have after a few beers. Unreal. It was a fun night, lots of laughs with some old friends.

Sunday started with a meeting to do some web dev. After that we eventually drove into Niagara on the Lake for the afternoon. We brought our bikes and rode along the parkway. It is quite a nice ride along the Niagara River. One of my bike petals was feeling looseโ€ฆ on the ride home the whole crank fell off. Fortunately we werenโ€™t too far from the car at the time. I think we biked about 12km. Monday was a pretty lazy dayโ€ฆ we did a few errands but spent most of the day relaxing at home.

Nivek invited me to a TFC match in a few weeks! Awesome! Thanks! Iโ€™m ready to go! TFC! CLAP!CLAP!CLAP! TFC! CLAP!CLAP!CLAP!

I have my first fun day at work tomorrow. A full day staff outing. We donโ€™t find out what we are doing until tomorrow morning. Hmmโ€ฆ

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