...a place to bury thoughts

Away this weekendโ€ฆ

July 19, 2005 @ 08:07 pm ๐Ÿ”— Post Link

Family, tanga, Captain



I finally got away for a weekend with B.. We went up to her sisterโ€™s cottage North of Barrie, in this area. The weather was typically unpredictable. Rain, storm, sun, it was hard to decide what to doโ€ฆWe ended up driving around a little and stopped in at Honey Harbour, Big Chute and Severn Falls. It is interesting each place had an LCBO and Ice Cream. Priorities I guess. (I was trying to find Fish and Chips, which I finally found in Port Severn).

The dog had a lot of fun running all over, digging and being a puppy. I was happy that she could be leash free and get into surprisingly little trouble. The area is fairly rocky but she usually stayed pretty close to use so there were few issues.

Iโ€™ve decided to add Horseflies to my HATE list. Bah! What was gawd thinking when he said, let there be horseflies! (Iโ€™ll have a word later. :P) I think I killed more than got me, but B. seems to have suffered greatly. Her feet have been bitten badly and are slightly swollen. Even the puppy got a bite on the nose. Evil things.

We got in a short kayak (Thanks to Michelle for letting us use her Kayak) before it started to storm. It was strangeโ€ฆit seemed like different areas in the water felt heavier to paddle in. Weird. It was fun. It would have been nice to have planned a little better. I forgot sunglasses and a good book โ€“ so โ€“ it made it difficult for a shade worshipper like myself. The power was out too the day we left so that sucked. It never did come on back on before we leftโ€ฆ

Congrats to captain for *saving* and *keeping* the dog he *found* discarded at the side of the road. Seriouslyโ€ฆ who does that??! Humane society maybe? Good grief. *shakes his head โ€“ unconscious knowledge* It was a short few days away. But even still it was good to get away from the GTA and relax a bit.

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