Vitamins are um, bad for you?
well…i must admit i *wanted* Lord of the Rings to win best picture…admittedly I have not seen Beautiful Mind yet…but still. ho-hum. Congrats go out to Halle and Denzel. ’bout time is right.
some of these are priceless. www.darwinawards.com
Update: Darwin is still searching…
web stuff
WOW…the rpg summer blockbusters are heating up!… Morrowind (www.morrowind.com) is starting to look AMAZING… I hope to scoop the XBOX version of it. NeverwinterNights also BIG on my list (www.bioware.com) will be a must get for real RPG fans that want to create and play in their own realms, dungeons etc. and the other XBOX title that has me psyched is Project Ego by (www.bigbluebox.com) It will be great summer for RP Gamers this summer ‘fer sure. (check out their website for some crazy screen captures…) To think of the progress games have made…I played TEXT based games. Gawd. Onward and upwards.
Update: Morrowind forwards to Elder Scrolls.
Vitamins are um, bad for you?
While I sat on The Throne this morning I read a curious article in Reader’s Digest about Vitamins. Maybe I have been living under a rock… but I was not aware that Vitamins also have some serious negative effects to the body as well. (in most cases if the dosage was too high)
Vitamin B6: nerve damage, loss of muscle co-ordination in limbs
Beta-Carotene: (supplements only) increased risk of lung cancer in smokers (!) (as found in yellow and green leafy veg and yellow fruit)
Vitamin E: Headaches, fatigue, double vision, muscle weakness, GI distress
Zinc: nausea, cramping
Iron: constipation, nausea and possibly heart disease
Vitamin C: GI effects, diarrhea, flatulence (tee-hee)
Vitamin A: damage to liver, bone and vision, may cause birth defects
To be fair these are just the negative effects I was surprised to find… there are also beneficial effects from each of the vitamins listed. Just be aware that, apparently, the quote, ‘all things in moderation’ clearly extends to vitamins too!