...a place to bury thoughts

Me in Armani?

October 12, 2005 @ 10:10 pm ๐Ÿ”— Post Link


Nice threads?

Nice threads?

Ahh yesโ€ฆ My birthday is coming in the not too distant futureโ€ฆ It is a time for loved ones to celebrate your birthday and shower you with *stuff*. A wonderful side effect of living in a superficial, materialistic Western society. Donโ€™t get me wrong, I like stuff. However, there sure is an over-importance placed on itโ€ฆ Should I be treated differently if I walk into a store in Jeans and a T rather than an Armani suit? (yes I googled it to check the spellingโ€ฆ *I* certainly donโ€™t own anything from Armani :P) I was watching one of those re-design your wardrobe shows on HGTVโ€ฆ one woman kept saying how โ€˜Oh I couldnโ€™t wear thatโ€ฆ those clothes belong on an CEOโ€™s wifeโ€ฆ I could never wear that..โ€™. It was ironic because she held a high position at a major non-for-profit organization and often attended โ€˜black tieโ€™ events. It is sad but true how quickly we judge people based on their appearance and their stuff. She seemed to be doing it to herself. Where am I going with this? Hmmโ€ฆ My birthday is on the 26th, not the 24th of November, just in case you have forgotten. *blink*

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