...a place to bury thoughts

Andy Christ

November 7, 2002 @ 08:11 pm ๐Ÿ”— Post Link

www, linux, music

Flowers in bloom

Flowers in bloom

Very fun flash site. Check it out. Just one of the many wicked flash movies from iwantmyflashtv.

Update: Andy is still there. So is flashtv. (Dec. 2013) now dead. :(

penguin power

I havenโ€™t always hated micro$oft as i do nowโ€ฆ After the release of XP and the MUST register MUST pay spyware big corporate evil that micro$oft proved it is clearly it is time to consider alternatives.

Iโ€™ve dabbled with Linux. I love KDE. I think it is a better desktop environment than any version of Windows. I seem to like Redhat with KDE the most. My problem with Linux is mainly with drivers and software. As a web developer Iโ€™m used to working with certain software, flash, photoshop, dreamweaver. While some of this software can be replaced with equally powerful Linux software some canโ€™t. I think it is just a matter of time before more software developers release on both Linux and Windows platforms. And stories such as this give me hope that there will be a world without micro$oft.

Iโ€™m still trying to ween myself off the micro$oft bottle. But until I can play all the games I play and do all of my web development on Linuxโ€ฆ Iโ€™ll have to keep flip-flopping my OS.

Update: Zdnet link is now 404.

in bloom
"Heโ€™s The One Who Likes All The Pretty Songs
And He Likes To Sing Along
And He Likes To Shoot His Gun
But He Knows Not What It Meansโ€ฆ"

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