...a place to bury thoughts

With a nauseaus super-naus

February 3, 2004 @ 04:02 pm 🔗 Post Link

bdot, pondering, movies, pets, hockey



There are all kinds of metaphors used to describe love. “The road to love” love this, love that… But I believe it isn’t a nice paved smooth surface. I think it is more accurate to describe love as being a “hike”. Sure it sounds like crap, the “hike to love”… but I think it is more suitable. Hikes take some effort to complete, they can be slippery, torturous, they wind up and down, you can injure yourself and at times become lost. Stick with it though, and you can see some beautiful things.

I’m happy to have found a great partner to hike with…in spite of the rises and dips in the terrain the journey remains a thing of beauty. (Yes. A little sappy, but Valentine’s is coming up…:P)


Whoa… well… the day started that we were going to a Dog Show, it ended up with B. and I coming home with a new four legged friend. Yes, the final sign of the apocalypse… I got a dog. B. and I just couldn’t pass up this puppy. His temperament was great, didn’t appear to bark much etc. etc. everything just seemed to click. While it seems a little quick, it was obvious to me this puppy wouldn’t be there if we returned later in the week. So… the nameless dog is now our newest family member. It was a LONG day, I’m exhausted… puppies are work. More on this later. Feel free to suggest names!

We rented Wonderland — a movie about four murders in LA. It was pretty good. ⭐⭐⭐½ zzz… so tired.

time for hockey heaven….

Well ’tis the season for the hockey playoffs, which means the yearly hockey pool… My father was away so I had to pick his players… Ironically.. I think he may have better players. It really is luck of the draw and which teams advance.. which has become increasingly unpredictable… my picks this year:

Devils: Elias, Gionta, Hrdina
Detroit: Yzerman
Montreal: Ryder, Riberio, Souray, Brisebois
Dallas: Zubov
NYI: Aucoin
San Jose: Stuart
and Nashville: Timonen

Phew… never had to say Go Habs Go before… 3-0 Boston at the moment. Sigh…

Update: This entry ended up being the last of the ‘uncategorized’. (Dec. 2013)

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