...a place to bury thoughts


March 1, 2006 @ 09:03 pm ๐Ÿ”— Post Link

bdot, tanga



B. or I (mostly B.) run Tanga every night, usually at the Heart Lake Conservation area just behind us. A few weeks ago while running the dogs (we usually run with a few other Vizsla owners) we heard coyotes howling in the forest below us. Well, it creeped me out completely. I asked the other dog owners (both hunters) if they are likely to attack dogs. They said probably not. Wellโ€ฆ as we were entering the park tonight another dog owner was leaving and as he passed us he said another dog was just attacked by a pack of coyotes. A few minutes later the owner appeared with a blooded lab. We asked him where he came fromโ€ฆ and it is the exact area we walk nearly every night. -cringe- Needless to say we packed the dogs up and headed to another location. I called the City of Brampton who said they canโ€™t do anything unless the coyotes are on city property or in the open somewhere. *slap!* They are coyotes. They donโ€™t stay in the open. They hit and run and return to the forest. Gah, so I told her that if someone goes in that area with a small dog it is likely going to be killedโ€ฆ Sorry sir nothing we can doโ€ฆ we donโ€™t go in the forest and look for coyotes. Soโ€ฆ if these coyotes are killing dogs you canโ€™t do anything unless they are in the open and on a road. Yup. *sighโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆ*

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