...a place to bury thoughts

Thornbury Trails

August 9, 2017 @ 11:08 pm 🔗 Post Link

bdot, Biking, outdoors, Biking, Collingwood, Georgian Trail, Thornbury, Tr*mp, Walking with the Enemy

View from Thornbury Marina

View from Thornbury Marina

Last weekend we ventured up to the Collingwood area with our bikes. It was a warm, mostly sunny day. The plan was to bike a section of the Georgian Trail. (The trail is marked on Google Maps! Here is where we started.) While we have been to Collingwood several times, we never drove a little further West into Thornbury. We decided to check it out. Huh! What a little gem it was. There is an incredible marina area by the shoreline where we decided to start our bike ride. (We did stop first at Skiis & Bikes in Collingwood to pick up some cycling pants. I’ve never worn them before, but they certainly help to reduce discomfort for longer rides.) The trail runs along highway 26 but it far enough in that you rarely see Georgian Bay. It is well marked and flat. I thought these *you are here* sign posts were a great idea.

I was here.

I was here.

We biked about 32km, from Elma St. in Thornbury to Lakeshore Road at the edge of Collingwood. If you need to make a pit stop or get some information on the area, The Craigleith Heritage Depot is a great source of information. We were directed to the less popular water access at Delphi Point Park. We made a short visit to the nice little park. I was a little surprised to see the coastline wasn’t sand but shale. From massive long shards to piles of small pieces. It was interesting. I did find the ride to be pretty tiring. Still, we wandering around Thornbury a bit. One stop included the Loft Gallery where I bought one of Bdot’s Christmas gifts last year. (A lovely Jennifer Woodburn) It was incredibly tempting to see all the new works. We also enjoyed a coffee from Ashanti before leaving the town. I’m sure we’ll return. There were a few intriguing restaurants and much more to explore. I’d like to bike the Trail from Thornbury to Meaford.

Why yes I’d love a flight

Why yes I’d love a flight

On the way out of town, we stopped at Thornbury Village Craft Cider and Beer. They wouldn’t allow us to sample both cider and beer which was disappointing. So we just sampled a flight of beer. The disappointment continued. I sampled four beers. I thought the Dam Dark Lager was rather unpleasant, Amber was okay, Pilsner was average and the IPA also mediocre. The sampling certainly dissuaded me from buying anything from Thornbury in the future. Meh. They allowed Bdot to try a *mouthful* of cider, which was also underwhelming. That is too bad, as I like to support local brewers.

It was an enjoyable road-trip to the Collingwood area. We’ll be back! We are planning for a few nights in October!

If the beer disappointment wasn’t enough, we ordered the worst Indian we’ve ever had from Stratengers (Bolton). It tasted like it was out of jar and the Naan was stiff as plywood. Sigh.

Watched Walking with the Enemy on Netflix. It was a very “B” movie. But the history was quite interesting. I wasn’t aware that Hungary not only sided with Nazi Germany at the start of World War II, but they had a horrible version of their own Nazi party for a few months. An important story but mediocre film. ⭐⭐½

Oh… and Tr*mp’s inflammatory rhetoric, like a bully at recess, has moved the Doomsday Clock closer to midnight than it has been since 1953. Still think that clown shouldn’t be impeached? Sigh.

Seriously. Who is the real threat here?

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