...a place to bury thoughts

Happy Canada Day eh!

July 1, 2004 @ 09:07 pm ๐Ÿ”— Post Link


Happy Birthday Canada!

Happy Birthday Canada!

Happy Birthday Canada! Iโ€™ve always been a very patriotic Canadian. Having driven across the trans-Canada (which I highly recommend to everyone) and been in most of the provincesโ€ฆI know how lucky we are to live in this great nation. Sure โ€“ like every nation โ€“ our governments make some poor decisionsโ€ฆ but they are, after all, people too. Where am I going with thisโ€ฆ hmm. Have a safe and happy holiday.

Iโ€™ll be away a day or twoโ€ฆ Going with the dot to visit her parents. Cheers!

โšฌ โšฌ โšฌ ๐Ÿ‡ช ๐Ÿ‡ณ ๐Ÿ‡ฉ โšฌ


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